p r e - j u d g e m e n t
Sunday, February 27, 2005
tiMe cHeCk : 8.53pM..i jUz w0ke up n ate my diNner o_0
ydAe m0rning was supp0sed t0 meet j0anna they all at 10.45aM at paya lebar..but wheN i w0ke up it was already 12.30pM!! *fReaked* i diN hear my alaRm cl0ck at all!! s0rry s0rry very s0rry =X
aFter dAt g0nna meet laMeRz at 5pM at w0odlands..but fUngi msGed mi n t0ld mi she bery siaN(turns out tt she din g0 f0r her class outing) s0 we met up earlier, ate luNch, waLked ar0und blah. oOo n i saw gWenda at causeway! fUngi g0t the HC pe shirt fr0m mingling(she g0t S size) den wE wAtched sk eat lunch n went t0 meet the rest at c0ntr0l. oh den i pUrp0sely asked kY t0 meet at the saMe time t0 pass mi my vCd n HC shirt(he b0ught L f0r mi..thx man) but he still dUn wan 2 g0. stuPid l0r.
it was qUite a l0ng j0urney there..den we t0ked al0t on the way haha. yEah! i miss our laMe c0nversati0n n laughter. LOL. yup s0 we rEached the cHaNgi cHalet..it was supp0sed t0 be gera's family chalet but her mUm all0wed her t0 invite us =) had bbQ..the f0od was qUite nice s0 i kept on eating haha. den we waNted t0 walk ar0und at the area but deCided the place is t0o eErie(hEard tt it was oCcupied by the British b4) sUmm0r dunn0 if we caN find ouR way back t0 the chalet. x_X s0 wh0le nite we were eating driNking n playing bRidge + 21 pts + p0ker + mahj0ng + hEart attack + iN-between. haha den we realize gera's 2nd sis bery crazy! lol. oh n the lizArds there r s0 well-fed but they cant stick t0 the wall s0 they kept falling 0ff..sUper fReaky. aNd we had t0 yaNk geRa 0ff the "bed" when she was slping s0undly..c0s the liZard alm0st landed on her -.-" yep s0 we din slp at all..den tis m0rning left at 7.30aM liddat..rEached h0me at abt 10aM den went t0 slp haha. die ah i nEed sLping pills t0nite lia0.
i still cant believe it's TOMORROW. oh no.
@ 10:33 PM
NJ TaLeNtiMe! ^-^
Friday, February 25, 2005
wHeE!! i finally g0t the m0od t0 bl0g! [tiMe check 12.08am] i jUz reached h0me! c0s juz n0w was in sCh wif px nana sarah j0anna khairi de0n f0r Talentime =) dunNo y it was held in LT1 l0r..s0 maNy ppl den sUper cr0wded la. den the airc0n lyke breakd0wn liddat..sUper stUffy lo. budden the spirit was veRy hiGh! l0tsa sCreaming n sh0uting n cheering. oh n i l0ve the daNces n gRp v0cals! *mahjulah wahaha* n FHM! lol. SoLos g0t tis indian gal sUper sad la..PA system g0t pr0b + 2 stars n the letter "L" fr0m the w0rd Limelight dr0pped while she was singing. it was quite funny but can see she was qUite pissed n sian dia0. oh n we were arguing whether ginger water was in the dance an0t. or we rec0gnise wr0ngly again. bleahx. y all their hairstyle l0ok the same one -.-"
oYa n results r g0nna be released on MONDAY!!! *sCreams* gd luck everyoNe! qUick qUick wish mi luck t0o! x_X
i'm g0nNa play lyke sia0 tis weekend b4 my fate is sealed! bah.
P.S. Island Creamery iCe crEam maKes mi haPpy =)
@ 12:19 AM
e m p t y
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
i was fl0ating ar0und lyke a z0mbie aGain t0day. ydae was f0rcing myself t0 stay awake fr0m 2am - 5am t0 rEad thru cheM. but in the end i achieved neither slp n0r revisi0n. g0t the str0ng urge t0 p0n sch t0day but dunno wad f0rced mi there oso. bAh. as expected scRewed up the chem test t0tally. the calculat0r battery had t0 die the m0ment the test begins. w0ot. i'm such a lucky gal. after the blardee test i sumwad sprained my feet. while walking -.-" n0 w0nder ppl say when u're d0wn on ur luck nth g0es rite.
nth much 2 update abt less0ns. i'm still quite distracted n n0t paying any attention. but mi n nana sneaked in drinks to maths lecture n it was quite funny lol. i din manage to CONQUER the pearls! ahh i dun wanna be lyke siao zha bor. hahaha.
after sCh mi n sarah pei j0anna learn h0w t0 cycle..dunn0 is j0anna fast learner or mi n sarah r gd teachers..she g0t the hang 0f it within lyke 30mins? wh0a. we oso ran one r0und ar0und the track. in my full sch u summ0r. s0 duMb haha. den mi sarah j0anna peixia nana went Students' Lounge st0ne..but in the end i fell aslp on the chair. s0 c0mfy haha. after tt mi sarah n nana went Centrepoint..nana b0ught tis Spongebob Squarepants helium ball0on f0r her fren..it c0sts 7 bucks leh! oh man. s0 AA summ0r haha. i still tink the humpty dumpty one nicer. haha. den went Cineleisure for dinner b4 g0ing h0me. sarah says eating Ben & Jerry ice cream wud make one happy. i must try it sumday haha.
tis is anti-climax but...
dunno y these few days feel bery empty. haiz. tinking abt lotsa tinks tt happened.
i miss toking to sum ppl.suddenly felt lyke listening to old songs n cds. watch dramas tt i watched b4. do tinks i used to do. lyke listening to 933 at nite. my sec 3 n 4 r0utine. go places i used to go.
heard l0tsa rum0urs abt O lvl results. stupid rum0urs lyke c0l0ur 0f envelopes indicating L1R5 range. -.-" wonder which idiot started tis. so damn boliao.
xiang hui dao guo qu...
@ 12:46 AM
Sunday, February 20, 2005
juz finished watching the last epis0de 0f MVP valentine..wah n it's still as nice n t0uching as ever! GaoXing is s0 shuai! wahaha. =) guess i will nv ever get sick 0f it. heh. yeah n it br0ught back l0tsa mem0ries 0f sEc 2. ahhh..i miss it s0 much.
ydAe m0rNing wEnt t0 my aunt's hse t0 bai nian(haha c0s din c her on Chu Yi). her new hse is sUper nice! ahh den she b0ught Plama TV summ0r. w0w. wAnted t0 watch Kung Fu Hustle dvd de..budden i was in a rush s0 i g0bbled d0wn my lunch n went t0 meet sErchuan n kangyu at bP. bleahx i was sUper late l0r. b0th 0f theM realli wanted t0 kill mi. sUmm0r i pian4 serchuaN out de haha. din n0e he's still sick..s0rry sc! i treat u ice cream ok. 25 cents one. =P yup den went SAJC's funfair.
we din play any 0f the gaMes la..but i was quite happy c0s i saw maNy many maNy ppl i n0e! haha al0t NJ ppl were there oso..OAC n Interact ppl..n sarah! haha. g0t AJ ppl oso l0r..they ch0se t0 g0 SA's funfair instead of their own sch's. lol. ser t0ld mi she wud bring us ar0und but in the end she went h0me -.-" s0 mi ky sc jiaquan n chee walked ar0und..st0ne at grandstand watch chi0bus n yanda0s. luCky SA g0t many chi0bu..if n0t sc realli g0nna kill mi. bah. and SA's principal is s0 on man! she's willing t0 get duNked t0 raise funds f0r the sch! haha it was qUite funny la everyone was cr0wding ar0und n taking ph0t0s n vide0s 0f her. LOL. den we were saying if onli it's shirleen. surely wud raise l0tsa m0ney. hahaha.
oh n we sAw sTefaNie sun t0o! lol we were qUite lucky la c0s we st0od at the c0rrect sp0t n she juz walked past right in fr0nt 0f us. i sh0ok hands wif her!! yay!! den i hai da0 ky din get t0 shake hands wif her c0s i asked him take ph0t0. lol. after tt mi ky n jq went bp plaza play p0ol n b0wling. kaNgyu's treat haha. c0s i used up all my $$$ t0 buy Jaych0u c0ncert vCd le -.-" budden i lent ky 1st..c0s i was feeling quite guilty haha. after tt went t0 meet sha0xi0ng kelvin n j0hn. i t0t i was bery late budden kelvin n j0hn were later -.-" we went my aunt there t0 eat..her treat haha. yup den i oso dUn realli n0e wad 2 say c0s din c them f0r quite l0ng le..s0 we cracked sum stupid lame j0kes haha. den t0ok sum ph0t0s! quite fuNny haha. dUnNo where t0 g0 after dat..s0 went my aunt's hse play p0ker cards. ben lai wanna play mahj0ng de..budden the mahj0ng set was lent t0 sumone else. bah. we stayed till quite late..abt 11pM+ liddat. j0hn n kelvin offered t0 send mi h0me budden t0t it's quite bad s0 rejected them haha. thx aNywae =) reached h0me g0t sc0lding c0s din bring hse key den hafta wake my mUm up =X bleahx.
dat day nana n sarah menti0ned abt feeling empty n sad after feeling bery happy. i realize it's very true. hMm.arghhhhh. i can't get rid of tis empty feeling. HELP.
@ 9:42 PM
fLip f0nE! fLip f0nE!
Friday, February 18, 2005
yAy i'm sUper HIGH n0w! hahaha. finally g0t my saMsung E600C! w0ot! and f0r $8! haha c0s my aunt gave mi the v0ucher. n i met l0tsa ppl on the way h0me! met wanyan mengyean yishu gera. lyke ccKps gathering sia. haha.
yePz t0day nth much t0 t0k abt sCh except tt the wh0le class was limping ar0und and had tr0uble walking n sitting d0wn n standing up. c0s our legs were aching lyke MAD. thx t0 mr t0ng f0r giving us Lunges during PE ydae -.-" f0r every step we t0ok we hafta g0 "ouch" n "yeouch" n "ahhhh" x_X it was quite funny la c0s we hafta c0unt "1,2,3" den sit d0wn or staNd up. lol.
after sCh mi sarah nana n peixia went Students' Lounge t0 play games..bery bery funny l0r we played Speed and Mosquito(my game! haha n0 la it juz happens t0 be called Mosquito). den the reacti0ns were lyke heart attack liddat. haha. den we went the Assisi Children's Home. was drenched(it rained mah) den the pers0n in charge was lyke " omg! u all wan t0 change?" den we s0rt 0f helped ar0und wif the dec0rati0ns f0r the ceremony. 2 balloons burst right in fr0nt 0f mi l0r. yeah den we felt quite stupid c0s lyke nth 2 help oso..the parents r all bery friendly n one went "oh..NJC!" lol. yup left right after the event ended..we wanted t0 take taxi back(c0s we realli can't walk lia0) budden all the taxis r either On Call or Hired. yeah s0 lucky. in the end still t0ok the bus. haha.
oh n sth puzzles mi al0t..izit wr0ng t0 be happy? o_0
@ 12:55 AM
sAkAe sUsHi! (n_n)
Thursday, February 17, 2005
wAhh i'm s0 tired n0w but i still must bl0g.
yesterdAe had interact meeting n OAC..mi n sarah were qUite hesitant abt g0ing OAC c0s we hEard tt al0t ppl p0n-ing c0s they heard it's g0nNa be qUite b0ring. in the eNd sArah deCided t0 p0n n g0 h0me(aFter t0ssing the c0in s0 many tiMes alth0ugh the c0in says dun p0n -.-") s0 mi n j0anna went. it was pi0neering..s0 NP la..budden we haF advantage c0s we already n0e all the lashings den dun need learn..instead bcUm tEach the others. aRgh den felt qUite bad l0r c0s end up tying m0st 0f the lashinGs. yup den we were given a m0del 0f a structure n we had t0 build it. it's a big big trip0d den everyone haFta try n cliMb up t0 the t0p. ours was sUper unstable l0r..haha bUt i managed t0 climb up t0 the t0p! yeah! s0me ppl went "wahhh" budden it was super thr0w face c0s my feet was stuck up there n i c0uldn't c0me d0wn. -.-" s0 duMb. gRace alm0st wanted t0 climb up t0 saVe mi budden lucky i maNaged t0 c0me d0wn. s0meh0w la i 4g0rt h0w.
aFter OAC mi j0anna calista n t0mat0 went c0r0nati0n plaza eat. wanted t0 eat the lem0n chicken riCe..budden n0 m0r rice -.-" yeah den chatted until the auntie n uncle say they r cl0sing the sh0p. oh n we started t0king abt tt faulty bird nest n we agreed t0 g0 "MMMMMMMmmMmm" n l0ok at each other whenever she ask a qn. haha it's supp0sed t0 be laMe. own j0ke. lol. but i fell aslp wif lights on ydae nite again! bah.
t0day i was bery haPpy in sch haha. err i oso dUn realli n0e y..juz felt happy. lol. oh n was late f0r sch t0day. it was quite funny c0s the one big bunch 0f us were late n we were happily str0lling in. yep den while the rest 0f the sch were singing we were still happily str0lling. in the end g0t sc0lding fr0m my PE teacher haha. but he said he let us 0ff tis time. f0r the 1st time i'm late f0r sch ah! n i s0rt 0f hai kelly c0s i overslept haha. x_X kelly gaVe mi belated vdAe present t0day! she gave mi a pendant f0r necklace..quite nice =) yep s0 t0day i went t0 buy sth f0r her t0o. heh.
t0day after sch we(mi j0anna sarah nana de0n calista t0mat0 ivan) went sakae sushi at Heeren t0 eat the sushi buffet! omg i felt s0 blissful l0r. we ate realli ALOT(we purp0sely stacked up all the plates) n it was s0 much m0r w0rthwhile than the one we ate at OUB. the s0ft shell crab is s0 nice! and the Mochi ice cream! yumyum. de0n tried t0 vide0-cam us but i f0und his weak pt t0 st0p him fr0m d0ing tt! hahaha. den he t0ok 0ff his sh0e t0 kick mi(c0s i said sth tt irritated him waha) den ivan st0le his sh0e n put it outside. the waitress was lafing l0r wahaha. we kept lafing n lafing c0s we tried t0 hide the rice in between the plates n i tried t0 get rid 0f the beans by putting them on the c0nvey0r belt. lol. after tt j0anna st0le de0n's speCs n we passed t0 ivan t0 keep in his p0cket. yeah n when he realized it's g0ne(it was onli when we were paying) he insisted i t0ok it(c0s i hid it in my p0cket during bi0 pract) n started pulling my bag. yeah s0 i let g0 0f my bag n he ran int0 the BOY'S TOILET wif MY BAG. -.-" den i g0t ivan t0 help mi get my bag back. super funny l0r. haha but de0n seemed quite angry c0s he refused t0 get out 0f the cubicle. in the end dunn0 h0w he left la. by the stairs or sth.
was supp0sed t0 get my hp t0day..budden when i reach causeway pt t0 meet my mum my aunt called n said she g0t Singtel v0ucher s0 ask mi dun buy 1st. haha s0 nv buy lo. den went my aunt's hse..chatted f0r bery bery l0ng(until 10pm) n my mum started c0mplaining abt mi g0ing h0me late everyday t0 her. but lucky my aunt understands my pt 0f view! yay! hUge generati0n gap wif my mum sia. alm0st started a quarrel wif her. bah. n my mum says i SHOULD NOT BE SO HAPPY. wtf. wad's wr0ng wif being happy -.-" u wan mi t0 g0 h0me straight after sch t0 d0 hw n be sad everyday meh? KILL ME THEN. n she added she dun lyke mi t0 be in nj. argh wtf wtf wtf. n she started threatening mi wif p0cket m0ney n blah juz bc0s my dad's n0t in s'p0re n0w. wah piang. s0 pissed.
oh n i g0t 0/10 f0r maths quiz t0day! wahaha. i tink i'm sia0 c0s i was quite happy lol.
@ 11:46 PM
You Are a Bright Star Soul |

Like a shining star, you have no trouble being the center of attention In fact, you often feel a bit hurt when all eyes aren't on you You need to be number one in everything, no matter how trivial And it's this ego that both hurts your confidence and helps you acheive
You're dramatic and a powerhouse of pure energy You posess a divine quality or uniqueness that's hard to define A natural performer, it's likely you'll become famous in some circles. Just learn not to take everyone's reaction to you so personally!
Souls you are most compatible with: Newborn Soul and Prophet Soul
bah. juz feeling b0lia0. n0rt c0mpletely tRue la. x_X
@ 12:21 AM
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
haPpy bdAe eVeRyone! (c0s t0day is rEn ri wAd haha!) ydAe din bl0g c0s i fell aslp riGht after my diNner! which is abt 7pM+? deN w0ke up tis m0rning at 3.30aM t0 cheCk n reply sMses. fUnny tink is de0n oso w0ke up at ar0und tt tiMe. hahaha. din n0e wud haf sUmone as sia0 as mi. yeah den din g0 back t0 slp..listened t0 933 n sLacked ar0und until 6aM. wah i l0ve listening t0 933 in the middle 0f the nite. alwiz playing super niCe s0ngs at tt time. den c0oked maGgi mee eat. yay.
oYa ydae was VaLeNtinE's day..g0t l0tsa ch0cs n sweets n msges n a r0se n a ball0on! yay! =) my class ppl r s0 nice! n my seni0r class t0o! =D onli sad tiNk was i dUn haf a date la..haha but f0r once in lyke tis m0nth i reached h0me bef0re sunset! wanna spend m0r time wif my dad c0s he went overseas t0day. haish den the fish died ydae! arGh must be dun haf c0nfidence in me.
baCk t0 t0day..t0day aFter sCh mi j0anna sarah khairi de0n wanted t0 g0 sumwhere de..budden in the end can't deCide on anytink( n c0s de0n wanna stay in sch n pei shuwen d0 hw!!! hahaha!)*bEep bEEp beEp* LOL s0 mi n khairi t0ok 67 t0 cCk t0gether. met yinsi n walked ar0und wif her..argh den the Jay Chou Incomparable Concert vCd out 0f st0ck!! aHHhhh!!! x_X well aNywae i went h0me bathed den went pj's hse. played abit mahj0ng..den i finally learnt h0w t0 play Bridge! yay! it's quite a fUn gaMe! haha. sk invented tis laMe game called dAicheat. it's blardee laMe la. -.-" we had fried mee n l0tsa jelly n ch0cs..yup den we la0 yu sheng! haha it was quite funny la den everytink ended up on our hands n all over the table. t0ok l0tsa ph0t0s t0o! haha. yep den reached h0me at 10pm+ an0ther late day haha. wahh i haben t0uch any tut0rial f0r lyke 2 weeks lia0! even sErchuan haFta pei fu mi sia wahAha. bah i'm super sleepy tml's g0nna be a l0o0o0ong day again s0 can 4get abt d0ing any tut0rials. bah i'm g0nna bluff my way thru until Os result r released. o_0
@ 11:35 PM
b0ob0o x_X
Sunday, February 13, 2005
t0day's quite a sCrewed-up day. i was bLaRdEe tirEd n couldn't wake up. supp0sed t0 meet j0anna sarah n de0n at t0a pay0h at 11am. but i t0ok the wr0ng directi0n n was late f0r 1 hr. bah. sUper blur man. den trained f0r nvm. i was in super h0rrible c0nditi0n t0day s0 it was super h0rrible n at the end i was feeling super h0rrible. argh feeling s0 guilty.
b0ught kaya waffles t0 eat..den walk ar0und in the area..ate at f0odc0urt. den i went orchard wif sarah while j0anna went h0me t0 bake br0wnies f0r tml. sEarched the entire orchard f0r vaLeNtine's day present lor. yup b0ught sth f0r my angel n m0rtal. den went back l0t 1 buy sth f0r my class. k i'm quite br0ke lia0. i juz finished dec0rating th0se candles. oh man i was ch0king n c0ughing all the way c0s 0f the liquid paper(i'm cursed wif an ultra-sensitive n0se.n0 i'm n0t a d0g). s0 05S25 u all better dun thr0w it away n0 matter h0w ugly it is ok. it's g0t my bl0od sweat n tears ok. (bah tt's exaggerating). argh juz dun thr0w it away la!
yup den went the Singapore River Hongbao wif my parents. tis yr lyke nth 2 see de. oh i realize i haben touch any hw f0r nearly 2 weeks le. time n0w: 1.08am. dun care i g0nna slp. haPpy vaLeNtine's day ppl! yeah ask me out ask me out i'm free tml. -.-
@ 1:10 AM
cNy(3rd n 4th dAy)
Saturday, February 12, 2005
i siMply l0ve cNy! hEh =D
Friday, 11/02/2005the principal ann0unced tt we haF haLf-day! wahh s0 haPpy lo..gang gang ha0 eNd at 11.40aM..juz nice miss tt bird nest's tut0rial! w0ot. yUp lectures n tut0rial seemed t0 pass super quickly..den we had class lunch (t0gether wif our seni0r class!) at BK Cineleisure. wanted t0 watch Constantine there..budden rEalize tt the m0vie's n0t being sh0wn there yet! oh n alth0ugh we were all in BK many ppl went t0 buy f0od fr0m other places. mi sarah j0anna went t0 buy fr0m KFC. sum 0f seni0rs went t0 buy y0shin0ya. den all takeaway t0 BK haha. qUite obvi0us n funny.
wEnt Lido there t0 try our luck..budden qUeue haLfway the tix f0r 2.45pm sh0w was ann0unced t0 be s0ld out le. nxt sh0w at 5.05pM. sTeph b0ught 3 tix f0r her n her frenz f0r 5.05pm..cAlista had t0 g0 h0me c0s her relatives g0 her hse bai nian. s0 in the end left mi sarah j0anna + 3 seni0rs(serena, gu0yu & huipang) went Great World City to watch. yep n the apartment in fr0nt 0f the bus st0p(we were waiting f0r bus 16 t0 g0 great world city) is SO NICE!! ahhh!!! wahh my dReaM apartment! aNywae, we watched the 4pM sh0w. haha the m0vie is quite shi0k l0r..mi n j0anna were half c0vering our eyes(but i still watched everytink -.-") while sarah was lyke curled up in her seat lol. wah n we g0t xia dao s0 many times lo. g0t one time i literally jumped in my seat ah. i g0t weak heart u n0e -_-! oh did i say we were quite near the screen t0o? 4th r0w fr0m the screen. bah. haha keanu reeves is quite shuai la..the seni0rs abit gaga over him lol.
den ben lai g0ing t0 meet the ppl hu w0rked at RSS bksh0p t0 la0 yu sheng de..den when i was abt t0 b0ard the bus t0 meet theM at bP LRT stati0n sha0xi0ng called t0 tell mi onli left mi him kelvin n j0hn. quite pathetic s0 he cancelled it -_-! 4 ppl bery pathetic meh? o_0 well s0 went t0 fl0at ar0und at Heeren wif sArah n huipang. ate dinner at Cineleisure wif sarah. yup den it was quite funny la c0s mi n sarah were fighting t0 give each other our f0od. lol.
i aliGhted at BP plaza there at abt 10pM+ den my parents called mi n asked mi t0 g0 straight t0 my dad's fren's hse c0s they still there -.-" yup s0 went up..my dad was lyke enj0ying himself there la den i chatted wif the aunty. realized tt she's w0rking at PJC! haha. wahh den she n0e s0 many tinks abt JC life n stuff. s0 uPdated leh haha. yeah den i helped my mum drink rEd wiNe lol. left at abt 12aM..quite tiRed la but i g0t 2 m0r angba0s! hahaha.
sAtUrdAy, 12/02/2005t0day had great difficulty waking up! =X met se pj n sk at JE den we went t0 meet sum 401 ppl at Clementi MRT stati0n =) had lunch at the hAwker centre(serchuan + zhiwei came t0 j0in us there) n i g0t suaned f0r eating the sl0west again(c0s i was lafing haha). den we went mdM quek's hse! f0und steven and the ramayana ppl there. haha wEini was there t0o! but tt sC t0o shy lia0 la. hahaha. still blaMe mi f0r eating t0o sl0w lo..c0s they left after a while. we stayed at mdm quek's hse f0r bery l0ng la..but most of the time we were busy gambling lol. w0n a little $$$ la haha. but we play bery bery small sum de.
left mdm quek's hse in the eVening..den went mr l0h's hse! as expected his hse was filled wif s0 many other ex-bpians n bPians lo. the 407 ppl were there..den our juni0rs were oso there but we dun realli n0e them. mr l0h bery nice..he ordered many many pizzas f0r everyone! wahh eat until daMn full lo. den we went his r0om n played many maNy r0unds 0f Heart attack. it was hilari0us la c0s we all aim kaNgyu's hand haha..n our screams n sh0uts n laughter was s0 damn l0ud the cat was s0 frightened it hid behind the curtains lol. oh n we purp0sely started singing bdae s0ng f0r kY s0 tt the rest can giVe him bdae bAsh! wahaha. but liddat deN mem0rable rite? rite kaNgyu? LOL.
left at 10.30pM..yupz b4 leaving mi n fungi went t0 draw l0tsa tinks on the whiteb0ard. heh. haha i'm s0 haPpy t0day! =D tml g0nna train f0r NVM n must g0 sh0p f0r vdAe pReSeNts! >.<
@ 12:56 AM
Thursday, February 10, 2005
[one minute you're on top
the next you're not
watch it drop
making your heart stop
just before you hit the floor
one minute you're on top
the next you're not
missed your shot
making your heart stop
you think you won
and then it's all gone..]
[nothing ever stops all these thoughts
and the pain attached to them
sometimes i wonder why this is happening
it's like nothing i can do
will distract me when
i think of how i shot myself in the back again
'cause from the infinite words i could say/i
put all the pain you gave to me on
display/but didn't
realize/instead of setting it free/i
took what i hated and made it a part of me
it never goes away..never goes away..]
[it's easier to run
replacing this pain with something numb
it's so much easier to go
than face all this pain here all alone..]
@ 10:26 PM
hApPy cNy (n_n)
Wednesday, February 09, 2005
it seems lyke not many ppl are happy tis new yr. or i shud say many seem to be quite sad or depressed. or having sum kind of mood swing. or wadever. yesterdae was actually both excited n upset. well i overslept n missed the national anthem..but lucky i was able to be of sum help cos pj they all called mi n said they needed scotch tape n scissors to wrap mr osgodby's present. i was so so happy to see all the ex-bpians!!! =) haha den we chatted alot. din really watch the concert cos we were walking around n looking for ppl to catch up wif. yep n we went back to our cabin classroom!! (ex-401) tt place brought back lotsa memories. =) pj was having sum kind of mood swing in there. bah. oh n we were all quite pissed wif zw cos he refused to come back due to sum selfish reasons tt i dun even feel lyke mentioning. haiz. den we refused to tok to him when he finally appeared.
i dun like the way ppl and things change.
many nice teachers left the sch too. THE ONE oso made lotsa disgusting changes to the sch. yep we heard tt she can't wait for our batch to graduate. so tt she can make these changes without any complaints or rebels.
but at least we felt welcomed ydae. teachers lyke caihong, chiu jie, mr loh, mdm quek were all so happy to see us!! mi n fungi screamed when we saw caihong lor. hahaha. den she say she miss us alot! esp w/o us to make noise during her lessons. hah. even when i stepped into the sch tom chan said :welcome back! =) we oso took lots n lots n lots of photos. it was quite messy la we were running here n there. oh n serchuan bought sth for mi from m'sia -> mr bean's bear! + a spastic looking monkey keychain. haha quite cute cos i lyke spastic tinks. hah thx sc =)
we went pizza hut for lunch..yup den met chiu jie again at the entrance! lol so we took photos wif her. so funny. the 03 ppl + mr chiam were oso in pizza hut too. we tried to cheat him of a treat but he refused. haha. sang bdae song for minsi! den we went up n took neoprints! for the first time we took neoprints together! after saying for almost 4 yrs. lol. it turned out quite nice =) but fungi n zw wasn't there..so we gonna take a full LaMeRz neoprint tis sat!
oh anywae, hA bi cAi Ni NiU yE =)
went my grandma's n aunt's hse to bai nian today. went plaza singapura wif my mum n aunt..wanted to watch the movie "I do I do" budden the tix lyke all sold out so din watch. end up eating ice cream waffle n drinking at Gelare cafe. reached home at 12am. wahh sho tired.
i realize i'm becoming bery irritable n impatient these days. *slaps myself* eergh i hate it. yeewen shall try n keep her temper down.
@ 1:51 AM
Monday, February 07, 2005
yEaH!!! i fiNally dEcided t0 p0n NJ celebrati0n tml n g0 baCk BP!!! w0ot we aRe g0nna wear fULL sCh-u wif naMe taG n f0rm a class!! hAhaha s0unds fUnNy. yay s0 exCited! i MISS U ALL!!! n i n0e u all MISS ME TOO!!! lol h0ngli juz t0ld mi caih0ng miss ME!! CAIHONG ROX! wahaha s0 haPpy! =)
well t0dAy in sch was qUite upset c0s our class reuNi0n dinner was sUmwad cancelled! eErgh. s0 sad. but aFter sch mE saRah de0n kaileng khairi and ivan went j0anna's hse t0 play ar0und. yup den sum 0f us went back sCh..ivan n kaileng g0t ccA while mi g0t the Service-Learning w0rksh0p f0r CIP reps n sarah g0 back f0r fun. the sErvice-learning thingy was qUite b0ring la..but lucky g0t kelly pei w0..(she left during last 15 mins l0r s0 laMe). yUp den met up wif de0n n sarah at caNteen den we met j0anna at Raffles Place MRT. went Sakae Sushi f0r dinner! wah quite ke xi we reached there qUite late la c0s we ate the Eat-all-u-can sushi buffet. w0ot it was damn shi0k l0r. 1st time i ate s0 much Salmon and Unagi Sushi in one g0! hahaha the Moshi Ice Cream oso super nice man. yeah we managed t0 stuff quite al0t 0f f0od in 1 hr and we left the place feeling s0 bl0ated haha. but realli m0r w0rth it than Sushi Tei la. heh.
yUp den i sUggested g0ing Singapore River there f0r a walk! wah it was damn shuang n c0oling n relaxing lo. den we sat by the river n chatted f0r quite l0ng..yup den i managed t0 pull them g0 Fullerton Hotel! haha sat back at the same sp0t outside the Ballroom den we chatted. s0 c0sy. i can't belieVe tt besides LaMerz there wud be anyone else willing t0 g0 such places wif mi lo. haha s0 happy! yep sarah j0anna de0n i'm sure u all lyke tt place t0o rite? ;) haha we fReaked ourselves out by menti0ning freaky st0ries den left at 11pm+ sarah was quite scared s0 she t0ok taxi lol. yup i t0ok MRT..wah alm0st missed my st0p l0r c0s i fell aslp on the MRT! hP t0day oso n0 batt..den wanna c0ntact s0 many ppl but can't..yeah den sum an0nym0us number sent mi a sweet gdnite msg but i dunno hu is tt pers0n -_-||| mUst be send wr0ng la.
yay i can't wait f0r tml! =)
@ 1:11 AM
diLeMma!! o_0
Sunday, February 06, 2005
aHhHhHhh!!! i'm in a dileMma n0w!! shud i p0n NJ celebrati0n on tUes n g0 back BP an0t? or g0 back after celebrati0n? aHhhHhhHhh sUmoNe heLp mE x_X
i'm getting mor n mor f0rgetful these days! kept forgetting bring h0use keys and i lost my yell0w hairband t0day!! i b0ught it f0r less than a week! argh. tinks r n0t g0ing right f0r me.
@ 11:04 PM
p i s s e d on a nice sunday
aRgh i'm s0 pissed wif my mum. oh juz shut up. it's n0t my fault tt i'm n0t ur s0n ok. damn.
@ 10:27 PM
tAkA! tAkA!
Saturday, February 05, 2005
i'Ve bEen fl0atiNg ar0und abit t0o mUch at oRcHard r0ad tHeSe few days. aNd i'M sPeNding t0o much on FOOD! =X yEsteRdae went Sushi Tei wif j0anna sArah n de0n. oh maN it's the 1st tiMe we wEre s0 damn
po po ma ma when it c0mes t0 ordering f0od! c0s the pRice is lyke WHOA~ and the f0od is lyke WHOA~ and our appetite is lyke WHOA~ haha uNLiMited wants but limited $$$ = sCarcity = hafta make a ch0ice = haFta f0rg0ne sum wants (we r ec0ns students! wAhaha) s0 after spending lyke $10 i was felt lyke i ate NOTHING. (we shared Sashimi, i shared the Chocolate Wafer ice-cream wif sarah -> sUper nice! and sum sushi) yeP s0 we went t0 taka there n gh0ped sum free f0od agaiN(the art 0f being kian beNg) yep n i b0ught m0r f0od fr0m Yakitori and cheese h0t d0gs. w0ot. chatted n ate at the stairs until tAka is cl0sing.
actually was w0ndering whether i shud g0 the bus st0p behind taKa t0 take 190(which is m0r c0nvenient la) but i pei saRah walk t0 fareast bus st0p. yep in the end i missed SIX 190s. c0s they were all t0o cr0wded(it was ar0und 11pm le) n the buses simply z0omed past cruelly. EERGH. n the bus st0p was engulfed in CIGARETTE SMOKE. YIKES. i was ch0king n c0ughing. yep when i finally c0uld n0t take it i walked all thE way back t0 the bus st0p near Wheelock Place n t0ok 190. met Arthur(he came t0 ask mi whether i'm a bPian when i'm wearing the sch u -_-||| lol) den he pei mi take 190 n chatted on the bus. he's in AC n0w. well reached h0me at 12am+ den was sUper tired. . .
as eXpected t0day i oVerslept n i was late f0r 1/2 hr(was supp0sed t0 meet the OAC ppl at 9am at Tanjong Pajar MRT) den we tried out the Temasek Tower. gosh when we 1st saw the t0wer our knees went weak l0r. s0 TALL!!! den it was kinda pressurising c0s it's our FIRST training(for my team..the others all started training l0ng ag0) and our FIRST time trying out the actual t0wer. wah the seni0rs all daMn fit la super hi0ng one. the rest 0f the J1s oso lyke super fit oso. den we finished in abt 12mins+ -> is actually n0t gd la c0mpared t0 the rest but it's very gd f0r our FIRST training. wah right after we finished i juz c0llapsed ont0 the fl0or l0r c0s my knees gave way. o_0 but after a while it's alright. n quite miracle it din hurt haha.
aTe lunch wif OAC ppl at tAka(again!) den walked ar0und..den i walked ar0und wif sarah at Heeren. b0ught sum stuff. (s0rri j0anna paNg seh u..)yepz deN se n pj caMe my hse..haha s0 happy they can help mi order gUitar! h0pefully i can learn h0w t0 play heh. we chatted f0r quite l0ng..den i went back t0 orchard wif my mUm(c0s wanna buy th0se f0od heh heh). ate at Ajisen..wah den the Volcano Ramen was sUper sPicy lo. an0ther challenge of the day. but i still caN take it heh heh. den walked ar0und f0r track sh0es..but in the end din buy c0s i can't deCide. =X yeah s0 went h0me lo. den the bUs driver 0f 190 was lyke haVing PMS or wad purp0sely swerve vi0lently n kept braking unnecessarily. den everyone hu was standing(including mi) was lyke being flunked ar0und the bus l0r. a guy was s0 pissed he sh0uted at the uncle "UNCLE CAN U DRIVE SLOWER N MOR CAREFULLY?!" haha s0 s0ng. the culture 0f sQueezing in buses. hah. n i seemed t0 keep stepping on ppl's feet whenever the bus jErked. yeah n ppl stepping on miNe.
still dUnNo wanna p0n NJ celebrati0n on tues n g0 back BP an0t. hMm..c0s i tink NJ celebrati0n g0nna be quite fun but i wanna g0 back BP super badly oso. argh. can i split myself int0 haLf?
OH and i 4g0rt t0 mention dat the stupid w0man wif hair tt l0oks lyke Bird's Nest(my maths tut0r) sc0lded mi ydae f0r LAUGHING in class -_-||| i was initially lafing at iVan den i started lafing at her hair c0s it's baLding n wud make a warm n c0sy h0me f0r birds. yeP den she turned ar0und n went: "hU's dat lafing? *l0oks at me* oh tt BP girl! yar did i say ur sch c0rrectly? oh u r the onli girl wif red skirt here s0 easy t0 rec0gnise." den went " i dun enc0urage lafing u n0e" n my wh0le class started lafing. k but i still can't st0p lafing when she said tt n when she came over n asked mi "why r u lafing?" i lafed even harder LOL. yeah if i were t0 be a h0nest little girl i wud be in the principal's office the nxt m0ment. haha bLeahx but hu caRes. jUz a bird nest. wAhaha.
@ 11:12 PM
m0n, tUes, wEd
Wednesday, February 02, 2005
wAh habEn bEen uPdatiNg..n0t c0s i dUn waN t0 but c0s i fell aslp b4 i cUd bl0g! =X haha..deN hW aCcumulating lyke dUnNo wad..c0s alwiz c0me h0me qUite late n tired den fall asLp w/o d0ing aNytink x_X bLeAhx.
m0ndAy..as uSual our m0ndays are qUite sLaCk and we ended at 12.30pM! =D heh aCtually supp0sed t0 haf Maths make-up lecture until 2pm but it was ann0unced t0 be cancelled dat m0rning..s0 haPpy! oh n i FINALLY gave my m0rtal sth. n0t s0 gUilty anym0r heh. oh n we had a great start in the m0rning..c0s alm0st the entire class(21 ppl) din d0 our bi0 hw and we were chased out 0f the class n made t0 sit outside the classr0om. wahaha. we ended up lafing n chatting outside lo. shi0k. onli 5 students remained in the classr0om. LOL.
aFteR sCh i pulled sHuwen n de0n t0 PJC wif mi..haha c0s they dUnNo wad PJC is lyke mAh..s0 waN t0 let them sEe sEe =D deN we miSsed the bUs st0p! (haha c0s i was qUite bLur) den t0ok 985 there..haha den mEt LuaNn on the bus! s0 c0incidental! haha den when we were entering thru the entrance daMn funny l0r..c0s shuwen n de0n started feeling qUite uneasy(0f c0s la, sHuwen's the onli gal wearing RGS unif0rm there. and de0n was wearing half NJ unif0rm)but i t0ld them t0 act natural n it was ok! the sEcurity guard even waved n smiled at mi l0r. wahaha. den sAw fi0nfi0n, ev0n, jiaxin, Yinsi..all the bPians la. haha s0 haPpy. fi0nfi0n's sh0e base came 0ff but i made her sh0w us ar0und. haha. the sCh g0t sum parts lyke qUite eerie la but it's bery new n qUite nice. esp the audith0rium. oh n i mEt j0celyn t0o! lol den i sh0uted over n0t realizing i was standing beside a class den everyone turned n staRed at mi. oOpx. den fl0ated ar0und f0r sum time..de0n n shuwen went h0me while i went t0 crash fi0nfi0n's CL A tut0rial. haha it was quite nice la c0s we watched The Classic! alth0ugh i watched b4 lia0 but sUm parts still quite funny la. ended at abt 4.30pM..den mi fi0nfi0n ev0n n jiaxin went l0t 1 t0 eat..on the bus met Edis0n! yEpz n s0 c0incidental aGain we were t0king abt h0w we miss cAi h0ng and she appeared in the liFt at l0t 1! wah den we sCreaMed lyke sia0 l0r. hahaha. t0o haPpy le. n we met kaNgyu n liqiaN t0o! (wAd a BPian gathering day..heh) went f0odc0urt n chatted f0r quite l0ng. felt s0 gReat. =)
tUes(ydAe) was fl0ating ar0und lyke a z0mbie..felt s0 sLeEpy x_X but aFter sch went RJC t0 take a l0ok..wah the sch daMn big n nice lo. but abit t0o green..n dun realli lyke the feeling la. abit t0o c0ld. haha deN sAw aRvind! chatted wif him n his nEw freN. lol den heard his new nicKnaMe "cUrLy" (c0s 0f his hair mah) i was lafing n lafing lo. haha he was s0 paiseh. den as i walked ar0und the ppl there all staring at mi..(0f c0s la..onli 4 bpians went there) s0 fReaKy. but the library's daMn nice la..3 st0reys de..haha we tried t0 d0 abit hw there but left after a while. yUpz..walked t0 Bishan MRT stati0n wif shuwen n de0n n t0ok MRT h0me. ydae din d0 anytink after reaching h0me..fell aslp at 8pm+ lo. -_-|||
t0dAy after sch weNt f0r Interact meeting f0r a while..deN went OAC. had outd0or c0oking t0day! haha deN s0 maNy ppl suaN-ed mi while i was preparing the chicken lo..c0s i made it l0ok s0 h0rrible n c0ntaminated wif grass. hahaha. heY but in the end it turned out gReat! our f0od tasted qUite nice leh! den f0r oral presentati0n aNyh0w crap n crap..haha n our grp w0n the Best Oral Presentati0n award. waha. liddat oso caN. but c0s our f0od lyke all cha0 ta s0 we had t0 sCrub the mess tins lyke mAd after tt. den went f0r diNner at tis Waffles n dunn0 wad caFe..tis week m0r ppl went..haha deN the entire place lyke b0oked by OAC ppl le. the f0od's quite nice..i sHared wif sArah c0s i was qUite br0ke la. haha den i managed t0 cheat the uncle 0f one free sc0op 0f ice-cream! LOL. i was lafing n lafing lo. den chatted wif calista n ailin..g0t chat wif seni0rs oso..qUite fUn c0s i disc0vered al0t new tinks abt the ppl t0day. =) eg. we realized the viCe-pres isn't as da0 as we t0t. haha. stayed f0r qUite l0ng..den left at abt 9.30pM. yUpz den h0me sweet h0me. aRgh haFta d0 maths tut0rial siaN. owe f0r s0 many days le haben t0uch yet. bleaHx.
@ 12:14 AM